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General reader comments

It was so precious moment to take the book, as a long waited child, it reflects the years of your life, the thoughts and sincere heartfelt words, sometimes joking, sometimes teaching, sometimes just feeling. You are HONEST, this is the key to touch the hearts of human, especially nowadays, when the people are starving for the TRUTH and PURITY.

Voiced thoughts often left unsaid, simple thoughts that need to be in print.

A nod and a smile is an essential addition to every book lovers collection. A small but uplifting collection of very readable poems that really help you get through the day to day humdrum of life. Keep it on your bedside table as you will find that you need to delve into it's pages often. The poems are wonderful the first time you read them but return to them again and again and you will find that after each reading they leave you thinking, wondering and appreciating that others have and do feel and experience the ups and downs of life just like yourself. The book is a wonderful daily tonic to keep you positive about life.

While being genuinely interested in hearing more about your writing passion Gary, I was unsure that I would find your book particularly engaging or relevant to me as I am not really into sentimentality or touchy-feely stuff. As I started flicking through the book though, I quickly found plenty of poems that I could relate to either from past experiences or my current situation, and it was engaging to see these topics explored with such honesty and insight.  They certainly do provoke thought and a positive outlook for the future. The title of the book is definitely appropriate!  So thanks for sharing your poems Gary, and I wish you well on the rest of your journey.

Everyone's life experiences are individual but there is always that fine thread that links us all at one point - I challenge anyone to read Gary's book 'A nod and a smile' and not find something to relate to!

"A Nod and a Smile" - this is exactly what happened to me the first time I opened this book, it is a book that can be opened randomly and each time it seems to be the appropriate page. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the prose but often I find that which ever page I have opened, there are the exact words I need to either bring a smile to my face, help to lift my mood, or reinforce what I am feeling. For someone you care about this is an excellent gift.

I very much liked the layout.  The larger print etc. made it easy reading for me (and this is not just about old age!!).  As though I could leisurely pick the book up.  I am also drawn to the cover, it's simplicity yet it has a lovely stylish feel to it.
The heading sideways captured my attention.  I found myself thinking about the heading and relating this more than I normally would, as I read the poem.
I liked his message and teachings around "balance" in life, which seemed to be a thread running throughout the book.  That I get the sense of his really knowing about this through his own life experiences, and his gift of sharing this through the written word.  I recognized his "tried and trueness" in his writing.
I found a couple of his poems useful reminders for me of actions needed currently, in my own life.  In this way for me they are lovely universal messages.
Thank you Gary for the gift of your book to me, and good luck with your next one.

A nod and a smile. A nod to recognise that we are doing well. A smile to connect and warm the heart. Essential elements in everyone's life. Yes Gary has, through his words, touched on what it is that we all need in life. This is a book about connection. Connecting with others and connecting with yourself.

Gary's thoughts and words come from the heart. A wonderful collection, thoughtful and thought provoking. All of us at sometime have found ourselves in Gary's position, the difference is we bottle up our feelings and never tell anyone. Gary puts us at ease with our emotions and urges us to look forward to brighter times.    A refreshing and honest read.

It's nice book to have around.
Stop for a moment... Read for a while...
You could nod... You could smile...
Your soul will choose and you'll be bright.

Gary Dodd's "A nod and a smile" will put a smile on your face, simple yet thought provoking, it is a book of poems about the human condition which we all encounter in our day to day lives.

"A nod and a smile" Just the perfect title for a book that has inspired so much. Agreement, joy, tears, anger, regret, shame, love, hope, thoughtfulness & inspiration.

I enjoyed reading "A NOD & A SMILE" very much, most people who read the book will find something they can relate too. It is a book that you can open any page at anytime and enjoy what you read. Congratulations Gary.    

"A NOD & A SMILE" It makes you think about various situations.

I like his attitude. It is positive about life. I feel it is what the world needs, and that is what I like about his book.

I enjoyed reading the book and found it very topical on life.

Gary has written his poems on so many subjects that all of us find several to which we can relate.  Best of all, they are positive.
Beverley B

I am delighted to make a comment about your poems.  I find them original and yet they touch to heart with their simplistic style - I think they are wonderful.  Thank you.
Beverley F

Its been a most interesting book especially when I am down, I just pick it up brings me alive again, I could go on. Thanks.

I write in reference to a book written by a Mr Gary Dodd
"A nod and a smile".
It is with pleasure that I do so as this book of verse really gives the reader something to think about.
The author has written very clearly about life and this comes home to the reader very clearly.
A very interesting read especially for the thinking person.
Thank you for your thoughts on life Mr Dodd, very deep and meaningful.

A delightful insight into life and the various curves it throws at you.  A treat to read over and over and gain insight into more self awareness!

"A Nod and a Smile" when you're feeling down, when you're feeling up, when you wonder why the world is as it is, when you celebrate life's diversity. "A Nod and a Smile" in the tub, under my pillow, and with me at my favourite coffee shop. This collection reminds me of friends, family, and to always pass someone on the street with "A Nod and a Smile"!

Welcome; yes to "A nod and a smile" and prepare yourself to stay up all night 'because you won't be able to put it down , a loving and bittersweet, tranquil collection.

I enjoyed reading the book, thoughts and messages from the heart and mind. I look forward to the next.

It is well presented, easy to read, and did bring on a nod and a smile from time to time.

An inspired and inspiring insight into life.  I was deeply touched.

An enjoyable and effortlessly read collection of poems which are relative in everyone's lives and are easily empathised with.  The poems suggest to the reader that they may cause their lives to be more complicated than they need be.  The poems will indeed make a reader reflect and give 'A nod and a smile'.
Craig and Louise

Gary has the ability to look at himself and learn from his emotions.  He can transfer these feelings to paper so that when you read Gary's book you can feel and learn from his responses.  His ability to look at himself, and his reactions to situations, and the responses received are remarkable. The book contains some humour, some wit, and also can be very serious.

I have been ruminating over your book and trying to get my head around your philosophies and our human foibles.  There is a certain tranquillity about it and one feels comfortable with your words of wisdom about the obvious.  You have put into verse what most of us are aware of but seldom voice.  That makes good and easy reading.
It sits beside my favourite reclining chair and, emanates the sort of comfort you can warm to like our cat sitting on one's lap.
Yes, keep it up.  Like the Universe, the fodder to feed your gift is endless.

I loved your book.
It was a delightful journey through moments of hope and inspiration.
A Nod and a Smile really makes you believe that you, and life, are special!

I felt your little book was very good, and I could relate to the phrases.  Keep going.

The book has interesting page numbering.
Speaks truth to the heart and inspires the soul!
My favourite is 'Courage'!

I have read Mr Gary Dodd's book recently.  The book is simple and interesting.  For me as a play writer and a poet, it is such a rewarding and calming remedy.  I do not need to feel lost, the book opens a clear path for my thoughts and gives me a joyous day.  I recommend the book to everyone.

No matter who you are, or whatever you have experienced in life so far, this book has got something for you. It is impossible to read it without feeling the need to nod and smile frequently. Every time you open the book a new poem will strike you in a new way. Right now my favourite is "The little things in life". Soon it can be another one.
Uansett hvem du er, eller hva du har opplevd i livet så langt, så har denne boken noe for deg. Det er umulig å lese den uten å føle behov for å nikke og smile med jevne mellomrom. Hver gang du åpner boken vil et nytt dikt fasinere deg på en ny måte. Akkurat nå er "The little things in life" min favoritt. Snart kan det være et annet.

Every so often, something remarkable happens. Never more so than when you come across written material, which you know you will revisit. Again, and again ... This unassuming A Nod and a Smile volume, is intellectually very substantial, yet has a low threshold. Am I listening? Sometimes. Bring on volume 2!
Zo af en toe, gebeurt er iets opmerkelijks. En nooit meer zo dan wanneer je geschreven materiaal tegenkomt, dat je waarschijnlijk nog eens zult bezoeken. Opnieuw, en opnieuw... Dit bescheiden volume A Nod and A Smile, is zeer wezenlijk intellectueel, maar heeft tevens een lage drempel. Am I listening? Wanneer komt volume 2?

A nod and a smile is such a good inspiring book which just reflect every aspect of life, even a little simple thing such as "TOUCH", which is my favourite one in the book. It is a book that you want to read when you feel down, even when you are happy - just to be able to appreciate everything that we have achieved. Well done, Gary! Bring on some more new books. Looking forward to reading them.

A nod and a smile is written by my brother and is a very pleasant book and also wonderful reading.  I have not only read this book but when I'm down and need a lift I refer to his book and some of his work to build my spirits back up again.  I may sound a little biased as to what I write and say about this book, but I do suggest anybody that wants to read something good should purchase this great book.  He has had an up and down life, and I can relate to a lot of his work. 

May almighty God bless you and your 1st book (A nod and a smile).  May your gifted talent expand to enlighten and inspire all readers.

Actually, I'm so happy to have your book (Nod and Smile) because it's really a very very nice book.  I like it all for me it comes from the reality and its words have a sense every time I feel alone I find my self reading (Nod and Smile).  For me, Nod and Smile is my best friend, and I advise everybody to have it.

Your book was very inspiring and definitely reading a couple of pages a day is a very good reason to wake up every day. Heart warming! I loved it.

I read your book several times I am telling you it was marvellous, and it touches my heart very deeply. Also I gave this book to my several friends they have also appreciated a lot about your book.
The first thing is the English is very simple to understand, and the words are very meaningful. I encourage you to write more, and my prayers to God that the more gifted and meaningful books expected from you.

In our daily life, busy schedule and social demands make us sometimes forget the meaning of life. We forget to be nice to each other, to be true to our own feelings but you have made it different. You have written it well in your poems. The true meaning of friendship, love and sincere to oneself. Thank you for giving me this book as a gift. A true gift coming from your heart.

I believe that you get what you need (not, as most people hope, what you want) and that people walk into your life with a specific purpose. It often takes time to realise this! "A Nod and A Smile" is a book that doesn't need to be read from cover to cover (although the author would like that, I'm sure) but can be dipped in and out of in times of need. What that need is, is up to you! I love the simplicity of Gary's language, the ease with which he sends a message through everyday events. I also love the energy of the book, which you can almost feel through the beautiful blue cover.

Gary - Today is the day - make the most of it.  As for me, I found your book very interesting and also very unique.  As I went on reading, I could personally relate it to myself.
Life is not easy what we make out, it's not bed of choc or roses, and even not grass is greener on the other side.  We all have a path to follow, if you are lucky enough to find one.  Good Luck.  Keep asking Lord.  (But) as Gary says find it you will get there one day at a time ? just love yourself and others.

I think it a very honest assessment of life experience gained over cross sections of vastly different societies and a sincere expression of author's sensitivity to human affairs. Presented in simple language yet touching the emotions of readers. Good luck. Keep on writing.

"The difficulty always is in getting the words right, in fiction the most powerful weapon the writer has is suggestion.... I think that nearly all good writing is suggestion and all bad writing is statement...... statement kills off the readers' imagination...... with suggestion, the reader takes up from where the writer takes off...."
taken from a review of "Thanks for the Memoir" by John McGahern
What I enjoyed about the book is that Mr Dodd has given the reader enough scope to apply the readers' own personal thoughts and put into circulation ones' own ideas.

Gary, what great philosophy you have and a wonderful way of expressing it in words. I must say it was a very enjoyable read and looking forward to your next book.

A nod and a smile, a book by Gary Dodd - poetry that is really true to life. A delightful read which indeed often brings about a 'nod and a smile'.

I found A nod and a smile to be very inspiring and relative to life's everyday events and emotions. There are so many poems l love in this book and if l had to choose one it would be "Being yourself".

Congratulations on your first book! It may be only a small beginning but little steps get bigger when we stretch ourselves don't they? I'm sure this won't be your last book and knowing you as I do, there are plenty more books in that head of yours!

It's on the coffee table, which is the central focus of our living area and therefore our lives at home! It provides me with inspirational outlooks on life, sometimes much needed.

Gary's book I find to be an inspiration when one is looking for an answer or some guidance. I especially enjoy the subtle humour in his writing's. The ability to look and laugh at life and the positive thoughts that stem from his prose. They uplift and lighten the mood of your day. A nod and a smile is such an apt name. Perhaps his next book should be called a grin and a chuckle, for I sometimes find myself doing this also. Having also met the author, I find him to be a warm and passionate person with an amazing ability to sense character and inspire others. I wish Gary well with his book A Nod and a Smile, and I look forward to his next publication.

I strongly believe, you have great talents, inspired by the panoramic views of life. Your Sixth sense is always present, which is a bonus to any person. You have been given this gift in life, which the majority of us don't have. Keep it up; by the power of God and the help from friends and Constituents, you will be among the best in the industry.
May the force be with you.

I finally finished reading your book. I know it was slack of me to take so long but I wanted to read it when I had the time to take it all in. We went up to the mountains for four days, so I sat outside and read it over a few days. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can see, having known you for so long, where you are coming from and the joy, the pain and the happiness you experienced. There is something there for every occasion. I got a lot out of it and could relate to many of the words that you wrote. Thank you so much for writing it and good luck with the next volume.

Open "A Nod & A Smile" at any page and be surprised at how the poem your eyes fall upon, seems so appropriate for what is happening in your life. It always works for me. Try it. Thanks Gary for such a wonderful book.

Gary, I can't being to tell you what your book of poems did for me. I can relate to so much you've written. I know it has come straight from the heart and I feel this is your life story. You've had a lot of sadness and turmoil in your life. What a way to write a life story and to be able to help so many people. You are unique, my friend. Anyone who reads these poems would be able to see some of their life in it to, I know I did.

To be able to touch other peoples' lives with words is an incredible gift. Gary does this beautifully in A Nod And A Smile. Open the book at any page and a pertinent message pops out. Thankyou.

I was kindly given a copy of "A nod and a smile". I do congratulate Gary on the charming collection of philosophical poems; flavoured with kindness and understanding and peppered with delightful sensitivity. Incidentally, I thought the book itself was beautifully designed and presented - a pleasure to hold in the hands as well as a feast for the soul.

This is really a wonderful book.  The poems are full of philosophy which enlightens our life.

Thank you for a most interesting book of poetry. I find it very deep and insightful. You have to sit and study every poem as there is at least one hidden meaning in every line. I look forward to having more time to spend reading it.

It is the only positive book on my shelf. It is easy to only see fear, evil and cynicism when you look in wrong places. This is my right place.

'A nod and a smile'  is the perfect title for a perfect little book.  Gary Dodd writes about everyday life, experiences and emotions that we all go through.  Not only is it enjoyable to read, it can be uplifting, comforting, understanding and is full of good advice.  Everyone should own this book and keep it by their bedside!

A nod and a smile is my favourite book, open it at any page and it will give you answers. If I am feeling down it will lift me up, if I am feeling unsure it will help to clarify my thoughts. It is filled with wisdom and a unique understanding of the human psyche.

Your creativity enlivened our sensitivity. So, after reflection, a change of direction will enrich our propensity to ENJOY!
Helen & Hugh

infinite possibilities


Gary welcomes and encourages comments on his book.  He only asks that you use your own words, and not be influenced by what is written by others. Please use the email link below to forward your comments. Thank you.