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Student comments on original book

Gary encourages and welcomes any comments on his book.

He is lucky enough to be able to share the following comments received from students on his poem titled "Courage".

I think that the poem Courage was a very inspiring poem which inspired me.
The poem also explains what courage means. This poem has funny bits in it as well.

I think this poem is good because it shows all aspects of courage.
I like it when it says "courage is believing in yourself when others don't". That is true.
Courage is a very interesting poem.

Courage by Gary Dodd is saying not just about going to war and doing something it's about the day to day life. When it says" For some getting out of bed in the morning is a courageous act" because it does take a courageous person to do it. The poem is saying not doing something brave but doing a small thing.
Tim and Andrew

I thought that your poem was a fantastic poem because it has simple but strong words to describe your thoughts.

I like your poems a lot. I think that you are a very good poet. What put you on to poetry? Your poems are really worth reading.

I think the poem COURAGE is good because it shows some of the ways of Courage and it sounds good.
rom Mitchell

I think your poem Courage is not just talking about being brave and strong.
Courage can be just little things like saying sorry.
Have a good day
Sarah B
(I agree Sarah, thank you, Gary)

Other student comments

Hi I just wanted to send a little thanks for the book you sent and the letter you wrote me. Your poems have really inspired me and pushed me a little harder.

infinite possibilities


Gary welcomes and encourages comments on his book.  He only asks that you use your own words, and not be influenced by what is written by others. Please use the email link below to forward your comments. Thank you.